
Do You Really Know What Your Clothes Convey?

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Cardigan - Chicabooti
 Cami - Glassons
Pants - H&M
Heels - Zara
Eyeliner - Revlon
Lipstick - Colourpop (Bumble)

It may seem like oversized cardigans, boyfriend jeans and shirts, all became a rage just a few years ago, but over-sized clothing actually made its debut in the 1920s. After WWI, many women hung out their corsets and figure hugging clothing in favour of baggier silhouettes. With shifting attitudes to gender norms also came a shift in how women expressed themselves sartorially. Loose shirts and drops waists were acceptable now as more women renounced the cinched waist. We can't go much further in the discussion without mentioning the designer pioneering this movement – Coco Chanel. The flapper dress which today is synonymous with the 20s, liberated women of the need to accentuate their waists and hips and Chanel's two-pieces aimed to dismantle the traditional emphasis on their breasts and hips.  

The 20s proved this more 'manlier' look to be a hit and women stayed hooked throughout the century. Fast-forward to the 70s and suits were quite the norm for women, as more companies opened the doors to their historically male dominated workplaces. But, open doors don't always equate to being treated the same as their male counterparts and the pant-suit became a tool to prove your worth; to say: I'm just as good as any man.  

 With a few years of work now under their belt, the 80s working women took "manly" fashion by the horns. Over-sized shoulders and square silhouettes were their armour of choice as they fought for greater respect and control in the workforce.  

This quick recount of history quickly paints a picture of the role fashion can play in society, after all it's our most immediate and easily accessible platform to express ourselves. But an issue arises, women wanted to take control of themselves and their bodies by denouncing the clothing that accentuated the most 'feminine' things about them – their breasts, hips, and, waists. That makes sense, show your rebellion by not giving them what they want, right? But if being taken more seriously requires women to mimic male clothing, hair, etc. then essentially, we are allowing society to accept that the female body or femininity is inferior. 

I'm not the first person to think of this question and I'm certainly not one that has the answers. I'll continue to wear my oversized cardigans and baggier pants but all the while, part of me thinks it's important to be aware of and acknowledge the messaging our day-to-day choices can subconsciously create.  

Some examples: One could argue baggy clothes are comfortable and hence right in line with the ideology that women shouldn't have to suffer to cater to the male gaze or that they may help those who don't feel confined to a particular gender. 

You don't have to feel like any less of a feminist for rocking a baggy shirt, that's not the point at all. Rather, it's that clothes can often create subtexts that we often don't plan on and we as the intentional or unintentional carrier of those messages, should be aware of it.  

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Links à la Mode, December 21st

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  1. OMG I love your outfit!!!


  2. love how you put together this outfit! so in love with your shoes!
    have a great weekend!

    xx Sheryl | www.SeguraAndCo.com

    1. Thank you! I had a very uncomfortable high heeled version of these shoes and they went with every outfit but so painful to wear! When I found this flat version , I jumped at the opportunity !

  3. Love, love, love this outfit! You look gorgeous!


  4. You bring up such a great point, something I've never thought of before! For me fashion was always about looking good and feeling comfortable in what I'm wearing, whether those pieces are baggy or tight. I will definitely be more aware of the potential messages behind my choices now, though I doubt I'll change them just because of that.

    On the other hand, I love your outfit! You look great!

    Jenny | Geeky Posh

    1. Awareness is key :) Besides we are not harming anyone with our clothing choices at all these days.

  5. Omg this is such a cute look and I absolutely love the details on your tank!! Such cute photos girly.




  6. I loved the bit of sartorial history and I couldn't be happier that manlier looks have become so popular in nowadays female fashion (I feel so drawn to them!). I think this shift in the way women used to dress was just a way of freeing them from traditional shapes and roles, the blurred lines we often see in fashion that allow us to have the voice we want to have and not the one society tells us to have. I love the fact that we have a choice to dress girly, tight, defining our body shape, or dress in baggy cardigans and boyfriend jeans and still feel good in whatever we wear! Really nice outfit you pull off here btw

    Saida | She talks Glam

    1. Oh yes so much choice now! No scope to get bored! No rules ! Favourite time in fashion :)

      Thank you!

  7. Wow really pretty outfit dear! You look amazing!
    Xx Caroline

  8. What a great look, I love it! Your cardigan is amazing and great historical tips on your article.


  9. Loving the background behind the fashion trends in the past! I think it's incredible the way women have utilized fashion to express themselves, push back on societal norms, and create change within their community/culture. Love the vibes of your outfit too! It fits perfectly with your sentiments!

    Susie | http://milehighdreamers.com

  10. You're right, our outfits can tell stories about us without us even opening our mouths! I love this outfit on you; it's so relaxed and chic - love the loose-fitting materials. Ah, I wear heels pretty much everywhere, but you're definitely showing me how chic flat ballet pumps can look!


    1. Thanks lovely! You wear heels so effortlessly ! I love heels to but day to day is definitely flats for me :)

  11. I LOVE your look! <3


  12. I love fashion history. You talked about such an interesting topic.
    I really love your outfit and all the colors you put together !

  13. Gorgeous outfit!
    Have a nice week!
    Gil Zetbase

  14. I stand on "wear whatever you like, and don't give a damn about others" :) I love your look, and the colors are great combinations :)

    Wishing you all a magical and blissful holiday! ❤

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

  15. I totally agree with you. I also feel like it's all about the attitude that comes with the clothes. If you wear them confidently they will look like a million bucks

  16. I always felt like your clothes can say a lot about who you are, and your own personal style. You can tell a lot about someone with what they are wearing :) This was a really interesting post. I loved your whole look lovely. Happy Holidays and all the best for 2018 <3

  17. First, I love your outfit! Second, you write so well. It's definitely an interesting topic for discussion. I dress for myself, as I'm sure most people do, but it's not without influence from so many different factors, fashion and history combined! Reminds me of that bit in the Devil Wears Prada where Andy laughs at the belts and Miranda Priestly points out how even the clothes she was wearing were decided by the people in the room debating over the belts. There is so much to fashion! :)

    Happy new year! Hope that 2018 is off to an amazing start for you, and you had a wonderful Christmas time.

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Thank you!! We put a lot of effort in writing so this feedback means a lot :)

      Oh yes, I never cared much for fashion when much younger but that one comment gave me such a deep insight into its far reaching often underrated impact!

  18. You bring up so many good points. I agree on that wearing baggy clothes does not make one feel less of a feminist. I am all for comfort and style and feel that one should wear what one feels most comfortable and confident in and not conform to society standards.

